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Types of Custom Medals

Views: 1072 Update date: Sep 28,2021

Morning Craft understands the excitement moment of what accomplish and when you put on a sporting event. Our team of craftsmen create different types of custom medals which reflect the accomplishment. At Morning Craft, use high-quality materials and the advanced equipment and combine our years of experiences. We are the one-stop-shop for custom sport medals, custom race medals, custom award medal, custom gold medals which used in a 5K, marathon, ironman, spartan race and any other sport events. It is a challenge to organize race and sport meetings. Getting people together, promoting physical fitness and setting their goals is important. Contact us today to create custom medals to give your participant the “congratulation” they deserve.


Creating Custom Medals

Organizing a sporting event is challenge, but when you see the smiling and exhausted face of the participants, you will know putting such an event is worthwhile endeavor. Rewarding participants’ efforts and commemorating their experiences by giving custom sport medals is appreciated. When participants cross finish lines and finish the goals, and when they hear their names called and the custom medals are hand to them, they will cherish.


Custom Medals


Custom Sport Medals

Morning Craft is one of the leading manufacturers of professional quality custom sport medals. No matter you want to award top participants in a sporting event or recognize participation, you are able to have your custom sport medals made in Morning Craft. At Morning Craft, you can create and design your own custom sport medals to make awards more prestigious. Our team of craftsmen offer customers freedom to choose colors, materials, personal engraved message, print logo or images which will make your custom sport medals stand out.


Custom Race Medals

Running events are the common outdoor event. Participants will receive custom race medals which range from first, second, and third place. Or, finishers will receive custom race medals which reward them who participate the events.


Custom Award Medals

If you want a very unique and personalized medal to acknowledge a special event or achievement, custom award medals are the ideal choice. At Morning Craft, you can use your own design or choose from our stock design to make your own custom award medals. And all the medals you will receive will come with a neck ribbon. Custom award medals are the perfect choice to use with fill color or black design printed on the front. If you have full color custom artwork or logo, custom award medals provide a vibrant, full color presentation of your own design in the center of the medals. If you have a design in only black, these custom award medals offer a distinctive contrast of a black design on gold, silver or bronze medals. You can also choose from our stock designs. We offer custom artwork services.


Custom Gold Medals

No matter you want to award participation or first, second or third place, Morning Craft’s custom sport medals are perfect and budget friendly. We have a large selection of custom medals available. Our over 10 years experiences and superior customer service ensure our custom gold medals will meet or even exceed customers’ expectations. Our custom gold medals are available in a large number of styles from insert medals to place insert medals.


Why Morning Craft?

As a leading custom medals manufacturer and with over 10 years of experience, Morning Craft is sure to fit your needs. We provide customers with high quality custom medals at the most reasonable prices. If you want create your unique custom medals, pick up your phone and talk with our craftsmen today, +86 134 2023 5742!

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